Executive Coaching Solutions
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Ministry Architects offers one-on-one executive coaching options to fit any leadership role in your church or organization for 6-month or 12-month timeframes.
Among Fortune 500 companies evaluated on nine measures, coaching produced a 529% return on investment and significant intangible benefits. When retention was included as a benefit, overall ROI increased to 788% (1).
More and more ministry leaders are discovering that the demands placed on them, day in and day out, involve leadership challenges for which they have little or no training. Senior pastors, associate pastors, executive pastors, youth, children, and young adult ministry workers have all seen their capacity, confidence, and joy in ministry vastly increase through work with an executive leadership coach from the Ministry Architects team.
The coaching I received through Ministry Architects helped me complete tasks necessary for my first year at a new church. I’ve been in ministry for 15 years and this coaching was just what I needed to get the youth ministry up and running. I have frequently recommended Ministry Architects coaching program to many of my ministry friends because it was so very helpful to me and my ministry setting.
Regarding phone coaching: The service has been a career-reawakening for me.
While some of our clients work on a specific, time-defined project, many choose to build their work with a leadership coach into the on-going rhythm of life and ministry. Regardless, each coaching relationship begins with a diagnostic process—sometimes face-to-face and sometimes on-line—to ensure that the coaching relationship focuses both on the felt needs of the client as well as the identified needs of the ministry.
Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is victory. —Proverbs 11:14
(1) M.C. Anderson, “Executive Briefing: Case Study on the Return on Investment of Executive Coaching,” The MetrixGlobal Study (2001), retrieved Nov. 6, 2010 from Wendy Hearn Coaching.