Episode 141 – The highs, lows, and unique opportunities of bi-vocational ministry
This week we talk with Mike Roberts about the challenges and advantages he faces as a full-time pilot and part-time youth pastor.
- In many ways, bivocational ministry is not a new thing but a return to an old thing. Paul was bivocational thousands of years ago!
- One of the benefits of being bivocational is that your finances are not completely dependent on the church, so you can be a financial blessing to your church and be investing more into the ministry financially than you are taking out.
- One of the challenges is making sure that all of your vacation time is not consumed by ministry but is also being invested into your health and family.
- Helpful resources and books:
- Letters to the Church, Francis Chan
- The Call, Os Guiness
- Dangerous Calling, Paul David Tripp
- “Google Calendar saved my marriage!” It’s important to plan your life intentionally with your spouse.
- Get a mentor!
- Many times, being bivocational in ministry allows you to get outside the ministry bubble to open up more opportunities for other Gospel-focused conversations.
- Leadership development is done through the opportunity to lead. Give them chances and let them make mistakes and learn from them.
- Email Mike: mike@picknaz.org
- Email Annette: annette.safstrom@ministryarchitects.com
- Email Trabelus: trabelus.whitfield@ministryarchitects.com