Episode 143: Making disciples in your church, small group, and neighborhood

Today we hone in on the role of small groups in adult discipleship and what it might look like to start discipleship even before someone has started attending your church.


  • Adult Discipleship: most churches right now are unconsciously failing at making disciples.
  • Discipleship, at its core is about emulating Jesus. Making disciples is about inviting others into our lives so they can imitate our lives as we imitate how Jesus lived.
  • Being Disciples, Rowan Williams
  • “Should-ing” someone – ‘should’ and ‘shame’ often walk closely together. We have to be careful not to cross that line.
    • Key question: “What does holiness look like in this area?” Then let the Holy Spirit convict people about what changes they need to make.
    • We have to pay the relational rent in order to have tough, challenging conversations with people.
  • Many parents have abdicated their responsibility as disciplers of their kids to the church.
  • Is your church one with small groups or a church of small groups? Is it just another approach to ministry or is it the core of how you do ministry?
    • It’s important for your community to decide on what you’re aiming for.
  • Even as we’re focused on impacting others through discipleship, it’s vital that we become the kind of people who are close to Jesus. That will impact those around us!
  • While our tendency is to first think about how to make disciples through ministries and programs in our churches, we must also begin exploring how to make disciples in our neighborhoods and workplaces.
  • Email Melissa: melissa.rau@ministryarchitects.com
  • Email James: james.warren@ministryarchitects.com
  • Email Trabelus: trabelus.whitfield@ministryarchitects.com