Episode 148: Healthy rhythms, how to pace your growth, and other key lessons from 2022

Today we’re talking with Ministry Architects president Trey Wince about some of the key lessons churches can learn from 2022. Then we’ll share some of the new ways our team is looking to partner with and support churches in 2023.


  • Healthy rhythms don’t happen by accident. They take being intentional, but they are also not rocket science!
  • Our goal is not necessarily to be the most brilliant or earth shattering organization, but to create healthy, repeatable systems that empower people to lead in a successful and sustainable way.
  • The pace of growth is important:
    • In economics, there is a healthy level of growth (a kind of “Goldilocks zone” where the pace of growth helps everyone gain ground without chewing so many resources that the future of the world is being hurt.
    • Similarly, in ministry, pastors and ministry leaders have many times been expected to grow so fast after COVID that they are being becoming unhealthy and burning out.
  • Ministry Architects is working toward a widely accessible fund-raising development platform. Look for more about this in the month of March.
  • We are also leaning into the area of grants and grant writing.
  • Email Trey Wince: trey.wince@ministryarchitects.com
  • Email Annette Safstrom: annette.safstrom@ministryarchitects.com
  • Email Trabelus Whitfield: trabelus.whitfield@ministryarchitects.com