Episode 180: From Isolation to Inclusion: Building Bridges with Special Needs Families

Today’s episode isn’t just about inclusion, it’s about unlocking the joy that comes from creating a community where everyone thrives. Get ready to be inspired by stories of connection and learn how your church can foster vibrant community that welcomes everyone!

  • Proverbs 31 talks about speaking up for those who can’t speak for themselves! This absolutely includes many people in the special needs community. Jesus says that when we help the lonely or the friendly, we are really serving Him.
  • There is a huge need for friendship in communities with special needs. It doesn’t take a lot of resources to be a friend to someone.
  • Gail created a program called e-Sports (Exceptional Sports). It started with e-Soccer, then evolved into basketball, karate, basketball, gardening, cooking, and on and on. It can be started with just a couple of friends who want to invite others to share a thing that they love.
  • This program is low on resources and volunteers. Easy to replicate and multiply. It’s also a great way for churches to partner with local community and business resources.
  • Building an inclusive environment takes time and perseverance, but you gain in the long term! It serves and builds the kingdom of God, but it also builds friendship and adds joy to many people’s lives.
  • Everyone can give the gift of friendship. To reach out and talk and listen to a parent who is stressed out. We can all participate!
  • Click here for the Resource Manual that Gail mentioned.
  • Gail Ewell and the e-Sports Program: https://e-sports.org/
  • Connect with Brandon Collins: brandoncollins.orgbrandon.collins@ministryarchitects.com
  • Connect with Renee Wilson: renee.wilson@ministryarchitects.com