Have you ever wondered what your website looks like to someone who knows very little about your church or organization?
Do you know how your messaging reads to a first-time visitor, new neighbor, or prospective stakeholder?
How do people experience the aesthetic of your website: the pictures, fonts, or menu titles?
Do you know what changes you should be making to your website? Do you have a hunch that it needs to change, but you’re not sure where to start?
Ministry Architects offers website audits with a complete analysis of your virtual medium from the perspective of an average person visiting your site for the first time. We look at every page of your website, naming the good, the bad, and the ugly. AND we provide you with a prioritized list of recommended changes to your website. The website audit also includes a basic SEO analysis of how your site appears in a few Google keyword searches relevant to your church.
For just $499, you’ll receive detailed feedback on this piece of your communication plan from an experienced consultant. Complete the information below to begin this work today.