There are three words that every successful youth worker knows. They don’t just know them either, they live by them. These three words reframe a leader’s perspective and fill them with gratitude and energy. Every successful youth worker knows these three words because they are perquisites for youth ministry success.
So what are the three words? Here they are: “I get to.” Great youth workers are the ones who realize they get to do ministry. They don’t have to do it. It’s not an obligation, it’s an overwhelming opportunity. Great youth workers get to, they don’t have to!
You see, people tend to resent what they have to do, but they tend to be invigorated by what they get to do. Our success will be determined in large part by how we see life. Are we get to or have to people?
Winners get to, but losers have to. Get to people get things done, but have to people put things off. Have to people are complainers, but get to people are conquerors! The three words you choose to live by will determine the level of success you experience. This is true in your ministry, in your family, and in your life!
The impact of the youth ministry you lead is also determined its culture. Does your youth ministry have a get to culture or a have to culture? Thriving youth ministries have a get to culture, while struggling youth ministries have a have to culture. Perhaps the best thing we can give the volunteers in our ministries is a get to mentality!
I believe youth ministry is all about the get to. We can’t take what we get to do for granted and expect a blessing! We get to point a generation to Jesus and the hope He brings, and nothing is better than that!
I’ve found three things that need to be present in our lives and ministries to foster a get to culture. So if you want to step into the power of the three words “I get to,” then embrace these three things.
3 Things We Need to Have a Get To Culture
#1 An Attitude of Gratitude
Having an attitude of gratitude is an important step to building a get to culture. When we realize the power and honor of what we get to do in youth ministry, it always changes our perspective! We get to impact the lives of a generation for Jesus! What is a bigger call than that?
Why should it be us that get to do this? My best answer is that it really shouldn’t be. It’s incredible to think that God has chosen us to be his hands and feet to a generation! When we realize that, we can’t help but be grateful for the honor of what we get to do.
#2 A Sense of Calling
A ministry calling is not an obligation, it’s a God given passion! I know God called me to youth ministry because I’m so passionate about it. There is nothing else I can do that fulfills me the same way as youth ministry.
It’s this sense of calling that leads to a get to mentality. I love youth ministry, and there is nothing else I would rather do. I know I wouldn’t be happy doing anything else, so I’m thankful I get to do what I love each and every week!
Whether you’re paid church staff or a volunteer, having a sense of calling is pivotal to having a get to culture.
#3 A Realization of Choice
The last thing you need for a get to mentality is a realization of choice. The antithesis of a have to mentality is realizing that you don’t actually have to. You can choose not to. It may be uncomfortable, but you can choose to serve in a different ministry or get another job. You have a choice, and realizing this is a huge part of having a get to mentality.
This won’t be a popular statement, but I’m going to say it anyway. If you chronically feel like you have to do something, you should probably stop doing it. Great youth workers get to do youth ministry, and youth workers with a have to mentality will often cause frustration in your ministry.
Youth workers with a have to mentality hurt youth ministries. If you have someone like this on your team, talk through these three items to see if you can lead them into a get to mindset. If you can’t, it may be time to help them find a new place to serve that will reignite their ministry passions.
So what about you? Do you have a get to mentality or a have to mentality? What kind of culture do you have in your youth ministry?