COMMUNICATION: Let Your People Build Your Plan

COMMUNICATION: Let Your People Build Your Plan

What’s the best way to ensure people show up?Well, first and foremost, they have to know what’s going on. Of course that’s the answer. But you and I both know that in this information age, when people spend more time scrolling screens rather than reading what’s written, getting your words out and getting your words…

Engaging Children in Worship – What’s in the Box?

Engaging Children in Worship – What’s in the Box?

Introduction It’s a centuries old question – what in the world do we do with children in worship? And the Church is, and always has been, all over the map when it comes to involving children in its worship. I know that in some churches children are always present. In other churches children have their…

ACCOUNTABILITY: To What and Whom Does Your Ministry Answer?

ACCOUNTABILITY: To What and Whom Does Your Ministry Answer?

Introduction “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Or so I’ve heard. That is a truism that is all too true in many a church, where “squeaky wheels” set an agenda of anxiety, reactivity, and whim, while the church as a whole flounders to find its course. What today’s church must have are guiding principles to…

Using the Timing of Operational Cycles to Make Your Ministry Work

Using the Timing of Operational Cycles to Make Your Ministry Work

Introduction I was going through a box of some old things that I inherited from my dad not too long ago, and I came across a real treasure. There amongst things that he had obviously cherished was his grandfather’s pocket watch. My great-grandfather had been a Methodist preacher of days gone by, retiring from ministry…

Evaluating Your Ministry in the New Year with Measurable Markers

Evaluating Your Ministry in the New Year with Measurable Markers

Introduction An inquisitive visiting parent once asked me a good question during the holiday season, “I can tell that you have a strong children’s ministry just by the number of children involved, but what can you tell me about the depth of your ministry? How do you evaluate what is happening with children from the…