Three Keys to a Fantastic “Family Ministry Fall”- Dad with baby on his shoulders, carrying preschooler on his hip

Three Keys to a Fantastic “Family Ministry Fall”

Fall is always an exciting time in church world. People are coming off summer vacations, rest, and a different pace of life. They are typically ready to re-engage with church on some level. Kids move up into their new Sunday school class or small group. Then, youth group cranks back up with some kind of…

Engaging Children in Worship – What’s in the Box?

Engaging Children in Worship – What’s in the Box?

Introduction It’s a centuries old question – what in the world do we do with children in worship? And the Church is, and always has been, all over the map when it comes to involving children in its worship. I know that in some churches children are always present. In other churches children have their…

Back to School: Let’s Talk About It

Back to School: Let’s Talk About It

Much of what we do in children’s ministry involves equipping parents with tools for their most important job: parenting. Communication is a key aspect of parenting, so it’s important that we provide opportunities for parents to learn to communicate more effectively with their children. What a better time to do this than the beginning of…