silhouette photo of man on cliff during sunset

Professional vs. Personal Christianity

The importance of prioritizing spiritual direction Confession: my role as a professional Christian replaces my personal Christian practice more times than I would like.  As a ministry leader, I lead worship, marry, bury, baptize, lead bible studies, teach Sunday school, facilitate retreats, and lead mission trips . . . professionally.  Sometimes it’s easy to confuse…

Volunteers/Disciples Standing Around Chatting

Building Ministries vs. Making Disciples

Full disclosure: I think leaders and pastors fall into the trap of focusing more of their time on building ministries than making disciples. It is not that leaders and pastors don’t think discipleship is essential, but the reality is that discipleship does not pay the bills. The commitment to discipleship is time and energy-intensive, ultimately taking time and energy away from the ministries we are paid to oversee. As a result, discipleship takes a back seat to most everything else. 

Creating a Discipleship Pathway That Means Something

Creating a Discipleship Pathway That Means Something

Today’s billion dollar question is (drumroll please)…. What makes moms cry more: Kindergarten Graduation or High School Graduation? While we may never know the answer (it’s high school) – we DO know that BOTH are pivotal milestones in the life of a child. BOTH cause someone’s most important people show up. And BOTH mark time…

BIBLE STUDY TOOLS: Use Visualization to Help Your Kids See Jesus

BIBLE STUDY TOOLS: Use Visualization to Help Your Kids See Jesus

Introduction Like many churched children, I was one of those who received my first “real” Bible when I was very young. It was my birthday, and it was also Easter, the perfect time to receive such a gift. I remember thumbing through the pages and being just a little distressed that there weren’t more pictures,…

Spiritual Formation and Youth Ministry

Spiritual Formation and Youth Ministry

One of our main goals, as youth leaders is to develop the spiritual maturity of our students (and ourselves). The reason we have Friday night youth group, lock-ins, mission trips, and Bible studies is to nurture the transformation process of our student’s spiritual journeys. Let’s take a closer look at a definition of Spiritual Formation…