3 Questions to Ask Before Planning Your Next Youth Ministry Event in 2022-- Teens slip-n-sliding

3 Questions To Ask Before Planning Your Next Youth Ministry Event

More than ever, pressure is being put on ministry leaders to “bring people back” to church. As I’ve spent time with youth ministry leaders over the past year, I’ve noticed that the idea of large-scale youth ministry events being the fix-all solution has seen a resurgence amongst churches of various denominational backgrounds and sizes.  The…

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Best of Ministry Architects: Youth Ministry Resources FREE!

Youth ministry is hard. Whether you’ve been in the game for years, like Ministry Architects, or you’re just getting started, you’ve felt this. And finding good youth ministry resources – for free – can feel like just one more challenge to add to the list. But you’re not alone! Ministry Architects is here to help…

How to Break a Youth Ministry in 90 Days or Less

How to Break a Youth Ministry in 90 Days or Less

Every youth leader I know wants to get better and grow their ministry. What’s crazy is many youth workers talk about growing their ministries,  but do the things that break them. Odds are you want your ministry to grow. You want to reach as many students as possible. Here’s the deal though, if you’re not intentional you might to do the opposite….

The Youth Ministry Separator: What Makes the Best Youth Ministries Best?

The Youth Ministry Separator: What Makes the Best Youth Ministries Best?

There are a lot of different youth ministry models to choose from. Different youth ministries do different things well, and we can all learn from each other. Regardless of the size of your ministry, we all have something to learn from one another! I learned a powerful youth ministry lesson from watching other youth ministries. As I’ve traveled and…

AFTER GRADUATION: Stay Connected for Long-term Impact

AFTER GRADUATION: Stay Connected for Long-term Impact

I remember that I was shocked, absolutely SHOCKED, when I first heard statistics about the long-term impact of local church youth ministries… or actually the lack of it. According to the leader of a seminar I took at the National Youth Workers’ Convention, in his denomination only 6% of youth ministry participants were later engaged…