Preventative Maintenance Calendar? WHAT?!

Preventative Maintenance Calendar? WHAT?!

“Okay,” you say to yourself, “something with that many syllables in it better be good.” Well, give me a few minutes of your time and a chance to convince you! I must admit that “Preventative Maintenance Calendar” does not immediately stir the imagination, nor does it quickly inspire teenagers to new heights of faith and…

Creating Culture in Your Congregation

Creating Culture in Your Congregation

One of the true greats in youth ministry, Mike Yaconelli, wrote a book in 2002 that presented a difficult challenge to the modern Church. In Messy Spirituality Yaconelli challenged the Church, which was filled at the time with me-generation Baby Boomers and young, upwardly-mobile professionals (Yuppies) of the 90s, to lay aside its pretense and…

COMMUNICATION: Let Your People Build Your Plan

COMMUNICATION: Let Your People Build Your Plan

What’s the best way to ensure people show up?Well, first and foremost, they have to know what’s going on. Of course that’s the answer. But you and I both know that in this information age, when people spend more time scrolling screens rather than reading what’s written, getting your words out and getting your words…

Creating a Discipleship Pathway That Means Something

Creating a Discipleship Pathway That Means Something

Today’s billion dollar question is (drumroll please)…. What makes moms cry more: Kindergarten Graduation or High School Graduation? While we may never know the answer (it’s high school) – we DO know that BOTH are pivotal milestones in the life of a child. BOTH cause someone’s most important people show up. And BOTH mark time…

TOP 10 Considerations for Summer Planning

TOP 10 Considerations for Summer Planning

Ah… fall is in the air and for many of us our ministry programs have kicked off. Your church is thrilled with the typical fall energy that brings an increase in attendance and excitement for the year ahead. Choirs are planning for the Christmas cantata. Children’s ministries are arranging fall events like Trunk-N-Treat. And youth…

BIG TRENDS: The Millennials Have Left the Building; Enter the iGeneration!

BIG TRENDS: The Millennials Have Left the Building; Enter the iGeneration!

Introduction On March 1, 2018 Michael Dimock, President of the Pew Research Center, shared in an article called “Defining Generations: Where Millennials End and Post-millennials Begin” that the Pew Center would use the year 1996 as the last year of the Millennial Generation. And while there is some disagreement amongst experts in the fields of…