3 Questions to Ask Before Planning Your Next Youth Ministry Event in 2022-- Teens slip-n-sliding

3 Questions To Ask Before Planning Your Next Youth Ministry Event

More than ever, pressure is being put on ministry leaders to “bring people back” to church. As I’ve spent time with youth ministry leaders over the past year, I’ve noticed that the idea of large-scale youth ministry events being the fix-all solution has seen a resurgence amongst churches of various denominational backgrounds and sizes.  The…

Preventative Maintenance Calendar? WHAT?!

Preventative Maintenance Calendar? WHAT?!

“Okay,” you say to yourself, “something with that many syllables in it better be good.” Well, give me a few minutes of your time and a chance to convince you! I must admit that “Preventative Maintenance Calendar” does not immediately stir the imagination, nor does it quickly inspire teenagers to new heights of faith and…