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Best of Ministry Architects: Youth Ministry Resources FREE!

Youth ministry is hard. Whether you’ve been in the game for years, like Ministry Architects, or you’re just getting started, you’ve felt this. And finding good youth ministry resources – for free – can feel like just one more challenge to add to the list. But you’re not alone! Ministry Architects is here to help…

TOP 10 Considerations for Summer Planning

TOP 10 Considerations for Summer Planning

Ah… fall is in the air and for many of us our ministry programs have kicked off. Your church is thrilled with the typical fall energy that brings an increase in attendance and excitement for the year ahead. Choirs are planning for the Christmas cantata. Children’s ministries are arranging fall events like Trunk-N-Treat. And youth…

How to Start a Great Summer Intern Program

How to Start a Great Summer Intern Program

It’s summer, which means it’s time for cookouts, pools, youth camps, and internships. Every summer, youth ministries all over the country host interns in some form or fashion. Maybe they’re paid, but more often they’re volunteer. Maybe they’re seminary students, or maybe they’re graduating seniors from your youth ministry. Regardless of who they are and…