two young adults laughing in a coffee shop

Nobody Wants to Work Anymore: Why blaming young adults won’t get us anywhere in the church.

The church in North America is shrinking and we blame the next generation, “nobody wants to go to church anymore.” We did it with Gen X. We did it with the Millennials. We’re doing it with Gen Z. However, I don’t think blaming the next generation of young adults for not connecting with what connects to us is going to right the ship.

10 Tips for Riding the Roller Coaster of Reaching Young Adults- Photo of a Roller Coaster

10 Tips for Riding the Roller Coaster of Reaching Young Adults

You’ve been waiting for what seems like an eternity. You’re antsy and even a bit sweaty. You’ve replayed this moment countless times in your mind. The minutes crawl, your heart races and your mind wanders. What will it be like? How fast will I actually go? What if I throw up?  Suddenly, you realize ……

AFTER GRADUATION: Stay Connected for Long-term Impact

AFTER GRADUATION: Stay Connected for Long-term Impact

I remember that I was shocked, absolutely SHOCKED, when I first heard statistics about the long-term impact of local church youth ministries… or actually the lack of it. According to the leader of a seminar I took at the National Youth Workers’ Convention, in his denomination only 6% of youth ministry participants were later engaged…

★ Reaching Millennials & Reimagining Young Adult Ministry ★

★ Reaching Millennials & Reimagining Young Adult Ministry ★

Check out this special episode of the This Week in Youth Ministry podcast! Terrace Crawford hosts a roundtable discussion with Mark DeVries, Scott Pontier, and Stephanie Caro on Reimagining Young Adult Ministry!  How do we reach millennials? Should Youth Ministries operate differently than they (currently) do? PLUS+ we’ve got great resources to help you grow your…

BIG TRENDS: The Millennials Have Left the Building; Enter the iGeneration!

BIG TRENDS: The Millennials Have Left the Building; Enter the iGeneration!

Introduction On March 1, 2018 Michael Dimock, President of the Pew Research Center, shared in an article called “Defining Generations: Where Millennials End and Post-millennials Begin” that the Pew Center would use the year 1996 as the last year of the Millennial Generation. And while there is some disagreement amongst experts in the fields of…

You will lose one third of your millennials this year… now what?

You will lose one third of your millennials this year… now what?

The Evanescent Generation Any young adult living in the Millennial generation has experienced this situation in some form or another, imagine you’re part of it right now. It’s finally the weekend, and your friends are busy preparing an evening out. The five of you haven’t been together in, what feels like, months and you’re eager…