And Why You Should Add It To Your List Of Volunteer Recruiting Strategies

Finding the right volunteer recruiting strategies can be difficult. Raise your hand if you’ve heard – or said – something like this in the last few months:

“I am having to rebuild teams from the ground up. First, my older volunteers weren’t comfortable returning. Then, other volunteers chose to worship elsewhere. Now others long to simply experience the worship service. Oh, and my senior pastor keeps asking why we can’t offer kids ministry at BOTH services!” 

If you’re struggling to find new volunteer recruiting strategies in this season – you’re not alone. For most ministry leaders across the country, what was already one of our most daunting tasks seems to have become even more challenging in this post-Covid world. But I’m a “glass half-full” type, who loves to reframe challenges as opportunities. So, when I heard those words above spoken by a friend, my mind started thinking, “but what an opportunity!” An opportunity to…

  • Engage new families in serving
  • Discover new leaders
  • Reimagine ministry culture
  • Grow your leadership muscles

Now, here’s what I’ve learned about my optimistic outlooks: when we’re in the weeds of our work, a reframe isn’t always a breath of fresh air…

Unless we have the tools to truly turn our challenges into the unique opportunities they are. And in the case of my friend, myself, and many of you – I believe, we do.

In fact, I recently experienced The Volunteer Accelerator, a new tool developed by Ministry Architects. IMHO, this is THE game changer for volunteer recruitment.  

Here are five reasons I think that the Volunteer Accelerator is the BEST TOOL for recruiting church volunteers: 

  1. A simple four-minute survey allows your congregation to discover volunteer roles that align with their interests and talents. Better fit = happier, longer serving team members. Win!
  2. Additionally, that same survey creates a database that allows you, the leader, to easily discover people best suited for specific roles. So, no more “hunting for a needle in the haystack” recruiting! Focused conversations = faster placement and stronger teams. Double Win!
  3. In truth, 80% of your church won’t fill out a card, visit a lobby display, or respond on a webform. However, those same people are significantly more likely to participate in an online survey they can fill out on their phone during a service. More responses = more people to invite. Triple Win!
  4. Likewise, most tools are one size fits all. Volunteer Accelerator, though, is completely customizable. Your volunteer roles + your survey questions = responses aligned with your church roles. Quadruple win!
  5. With most tools, you need to read and interpret an instruction manual to use it correctly. As a result, you’re on your own to figure things out. (Envision: assembling IKEA furniture.) Not so with Volunteer Accelerator. This tool comes with a real live ministry architect to advise, guide, and encourage you, ensuring you actually implement it in your ministry. You + Ministry Architect guide + Volunteer Accelerator = more volunteers…guaranteed. Win, win, win, win, win! 

After all this, I couldn’t wait to get this tool in the hands of my friend – and I feel the same about you! I’d love for you to join a demo to experience The Volunteer Accelerator in action. I’m pretty certain you’ll discover its game changing potential, to engage more church volunteers than ever before! And, who knows, you just might adopt a permanent “glass half-full” stance around volunteer recruiting, too.

More volunteers. Guaranteed. Get a Free Demo Today!


Melinda Kinsman is a staff consultant with Ministry Architects who’s been in vocational ministry for over 30 years. Transitioning from public school teaching in the early 90s, Melinda eventually became a pastor of children’s and family ministry, which allowed her to fully embrace her passion for equipping parents as spiritual leaders. In 2016, Melinda earned her Master’s in Strategic Leadership from Life Pacific College, feeding her passion as a strategic leader. You can read more about Melinda here and email her about her glass half-full ways anytime. She’d love it!

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