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5 Things You Need to Lead
a Youth Ministry Virtually

Just a note: this is not a blog about the Enneagram. But, this opening analogy is helpful.  If you’ve heard or studied anything about the Enneagram, you already know the way you learn your type is to identify your core motivation. I use this analogy often when talking about Ministry Architects because if Ministry Architects,…

Church Consulting to move your vision forward!

Church Consulting: Why Now is the Time for Big Vision

Maybe you’ve considered church consulting in the past, but you keep coming to the same, never-ending question… Is now the right time? With everything going on (world events, public health crises, staff and volunteer shortages, you name it!), shouldn’t you just wait until this “season” is over? The answer is… maybe.  Maybe, if it really…

Do You Have a Signature Event?

Do You Have a Signature Event?

Major events… every youth ministry, every children’s ministry, every church has them. Some ministries have one or two, and some ministries are built on almost nothing but them. And these ministries pour their resources into these major events – money, staff hours, volunteer hours, creative juices, facility usage, you name it. And from time to…

COMMUNICATION: Let Your People Build Your Plan

COMMUNICATION: Let Your People Build Your Plan

What’s the best way to ensure people show up?Well, first and foremost, they have to know what’s going on. Of course that’s the answer. But you and I both know that in this information age, when people spend more time scrolling screens rather than reading what’s written, getting your words out and getting your words…

Creating a Discipleship Pathway That Means Something

Creating a Discipleship Pathway That Means Something

Today’s billion dollar question is (drumroll please)…. What makes moms cry more: Kindergarten Graduation or High School Graduation? While we may never know the answer (it’s high school) – we DO know that BOTH are pivotal milestones in the life of a child. BOTH cause someone’s most important people show up. And BOTH mark time…