Church Consulting to move your vision forward!

Church Consulting: Why Now is the Time for Big Vision

Maybe you’ve considered church consulting in the past, but you keep coming to the same, never-ending question… Is now the right time? With everything going on (world events, public health crises, staff and volunteer shortages, you name it!), shouldn’t you just wait until this “season” is over? The answer is… maybe.  Maybe, if it really…

Are You Laying Foundation Stones or Choosing Paint Colors?

Are You Laying Foundation Stones or Choosing Paint Colors?

Introduction Many years ago I had the wonderful opportunity to walk where Jesus walked as I visited what is often called “the Holy Land.” The trip was everything that a young pastor would want, and my heart and spirit were touched many times by so many things. For the sake of brevity, and to avoid…

Do You Have a Signature Event?

Do You Have a Signature Event?

Major events… every youth ministry, every children’s ministry, every church has them. Some ministries have one or two, and some ministries are built on almost nothing but them. And these ministries pour their resources into these major events – money, staff hours, volunteer hours, creative juices, facility usage, you name it. And from time to…

ACCOUNTABILITY: To What and Whom Does Your Ministry Answer?

ACCOUNTABILITY: To What and Whom Does Your Ministry Answer?

Introduction “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Or so I’ve heard. That is a truism that is all too true in many a church, where “squeaky wheels” set an agenda of anxiety, reactivity, and whim, while the church as a whole flounders to find its course. What today’s church must have are guiding principles to…

Missions Missteps?

Missions Missteps?

It’s summer planning time! And for many youth ministries that means summer mission trips. Have you ever really asked yourself (or your congregation) why you offer service projects and/or mission trips to your youth? Why are service projects and mission trips so important to you and your ministry? “It’s a great way for our youth…