gray and yellow measures

Ministry Norms: What even is ‘normal’?

Are we normal? At Ministry Architects, we’ve worked with over 1,000 churches, and, inevitably, this is THE most frequently asked question. Based on all that we’ve seen and come to understand about what helps support a sustainable ministry, we’ve developed some norms. These numbers are just a way to compare some numbers from your church…

10 Tips for Riding the Roller Coaster of Reaching Young Adults- Photo of a Roller Coaster

10 Tips for Riding the Roller Coaster of Reaching Young Adults

You’ve been waiting for what seems like an eternity. You’re antsy and even a bit sweaty. You’ve replayed this moment countless times in your mind. The minutes crawl, your heart races and your mind wanders. What will it be like? How fast will I actually go? What if I throw up?  Suddenly, you realize ……

Four Tips for Volunteer Recruiting

Four Tips for Volunteer Recruiting

We’re quickly approaching that time of year when my heart rate gets elevated, my palms get sweaty, and I start obsessing over, “Do they like me? Will they say yes?” No, I’m not talking about prom-posals, or college acceptance letters. But, it’s that same existential dread that sometimes stops me from pursuing volunteer recruitment with…